魔偶月亮塔羅牌Deviant Moon Tarot 牌卡簡介翻譯
The Deviant Moon Tarot deck was created using various forms of photographic manipulation .
Each card began with a complete drawing, which was then scanned into the computer where I ap-plied various photographic textures.
Nineteenth-century tombstones provide most of the clothing worn by the citizens of the Deviant Moon.I bent,twisted,and reformed my photos to become capes,boots, hats and trim.
One of the best aspects of creating the deck was “hunt-ing” for specific textures as I respectfully tiptoed around the graveyards of east-ern Long Island, New York.
Background buildings were created with photographs I took of a local abandoned insane asylum.Rotted doors, windows and walls became castles, factories and cities.
My character stylization was influenced by ancient Greek ary,yet I added a slightly abstracted twist.
I chose to draw the figures in a flat, playing card style, rendering them with heavy light and shadows, then placing them in a shallow background.
As I worked, different styles emerged,and before long the characters evolved into the moon-faced beings seen in the cards.
Symbolism for the deck comes from childhood dreams and imagination that carried itself into my adult world.
I have always been intrigued with the melancholy side of life and have sought to express my visions through the characters I create.
The moon has always been a psychin friend to me.
As the sentinel of the night , it feeds my dreams and casts a strange glow on the way I see the colors of reality.
Nothing has had a greater influence over my art than the tarot itself. I first discovered the tarot at the age of nine.I was captivated by the unique characters I saw on each card and studied the artwork intensely. My favorites were the old nine-teenth century and medieval decks.
While my classmates were drawing what chil-dren normally do, I was busy making my own little pictures of the fool or the magician.
Over the years, I have made many attempts to create my own deck,but never completed more then a few cards each time.I held the ideas of my early random creations and revitalized them here in the Deviant Moon Tarot.While this physical deck took over three years to complete, from an inspirational standpoint, Deviant Moon Tarot has been at least thirty years in the making.
It is not only a testament to my art, but a record of my life.
Patrick Valenza
異月(月亮魔偶)塔羅牌探索內在心靈的黑暗面及想像力的最極限。天才藝術家 Patrick Valenza受童年夢境啟發,呈獻出對古老智慧的獨特解讀,以超現實畫風來探索潛意識的黑暗面。月亮臉型的人物是從十八世紀墓碑取材而電腦合成做出,背景極富煽動性。包含一本英文原文小手冊。異月塔羅牌獲Aeclectic塔羅網站的讀者選為歷來最佳塔羅牌。
尺寸: 7x13cm
作者: Valenza
出版社: US Games 美國遊戲公司
由左至右依序為 寶劍7 & 命運之輪